You may qualify for a years-of-service pension if you have had done mental or physical work that requires great effort for at least 38 years (without interruptions) and your ability to work is reduced.
You can claim a years-of-service pension if you have turned 63 , that is, if you were born in 1955 or later.
When you reach your retirement age, your years-of-service pension will automatically become an old-age pension. Ask your pension provider for an estimate of how much your years-of-service pension will be. You can also ask your pension provider for a preliminary decision about this pension. The preliminary decision is valid for 6 months.
If your work that requires great mental or physical effort has ended, you must claim the years-of-service pension within one year from the date on which your work ended.
Fill out the online claim form. Get started by clicking the button “Log in” You will be forwarded to your own pension provider’s application service. Most pension providers offer an online application service (some also in English).
Log in to the pension application service
If you own pension provider does not offer an online application service, claim the years-of-service pension with form 2022e. Attach your employer’s description of your work (form 7111e) and Medical Statement B (issued by your occupational health care) to your claim. Medical Statement B includes information on the state of your health, the content of your work, and the mental or physical effort required in your work.
Years-of-service pension claim form in Forms